CACast Iron300–6,0003–18LowBestFair-40 to +800
CWCast Iron, Large Bore6,000–8,0008LowBestFair-40 to +800
CHHeavy Duty Cast Iron1,500–1,8005–8LowBestFair-40 to +800
FDSingle Flange Cast Iron500–3,0003–14LowBestFair-40 to +800
FLDouble Flange Cast Iron500–2,0005, 10LowBestFair-40 to +800
VGCast Iron V-Groove800–3,5004–10LowBestFair-40 to +350
VLCast Iron V-Groove, Large Bore4,0008, 10LowBestFair-40 to +350
VMDuctile V-Groove3,500–6,0006–10LowBestFair-40 to +350
FMDuctile Iron, Flat Tread1,500–6,0005–12LowBestFair-40 to +800
FRDuctile Iron, Full Radius1,500–6,0005–10LowBestFair-40 to +800
FSDrop Forged Steel1,400–10,0004–10LowBestFair-40 to +800
FHDrop Forged Steel, Large Bore6,000–20,0006–10LowBestFair-40 to +800
VFDrop Forged Steel V-Groove6,000–10,0006–10LowBestFair-40 to +800
VHDrop Forged Steel V-Groove, Large Bore6,000–15,0006–10LowBestFair-40 to +800
NGMaxim® Glass-Filled Nylon700–1,5003.25–10Med/LowBestBest-40 to +250
NWWhite Nylon600–1,1005–8-20 to +250
NXTrionix™2,160–7,2004–8MediumBestBest-30 to +220
NVTrionix™ V-Groove2,1604–8MediumBestBest-30 to +220
HTHigh Heat Glass-Filled Nylon800–1,4004–8-20 to +480
DTHeavy Duty Glass-Filled Nylon800–1,6004–8-20 to +350
THStraight-sided Phenolic1,000–1,5004–6Med/LowBestFair-65 to +250
TSStraight-sided Phenolic500–1,4004–8Med/LowBestFair-65 to +250
TMPhenolic400–8,0003–18Med/LowBestFair-65 to +250
TLLaminated PhenolicMed/LowBestFair-65 to +250
TRHi-Temp PhenolicMed/LowBestFair-65 to +475
RTGlass-Filled Polypropylene800–1,4004–8-20 to +250
PBPolypropylene250–1,0003–8MediumGoodBest-20 to +180
PWWhite Polypropylene250–7503–6MediumGoodBest-20 to +180
RWRetort Hi-Temp Polypropylene300–9003–8MediumGoodBest-20 to +290
VYVulkollan®1,100–6,2954–12-40 to +180
VXThick Tread Vulkollan®2,350–5,0006–10-40 to +180
PYPolyurethane, Cast Iron Core330–10,0803.25–18MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PHHeavy Duty Polyurethane, Cast Iron Core960–4,2006–12MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PXThick Tread Polyurethane, Cast Iron Core1,800–10,1606–16MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PFPolyurethane, Heavy Duty Cast Iron Core2,000–10,5006–16MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PIPolyurethane, Cast Iron Core1,600–3,5006–12MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PRReactive Polyurethane, Cast Iron Core2,400–2,80010, 12-40 to +180
PAPolyurethane, Aluminum Core1,200–7,5004, 12MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PDPolyurethane, Die Cast Aluminum Core600–3,0004–10MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
PMRound Tread Polyurethane, Aluminum Core1,000–1,5005–8MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
AXRound Tread Polyurethane, Aluminum Core800–1,5004–8-40 to +180
UAMagnum Polyurethane, Aluminum Core400–1,2004–8-40 to +180
EYSwivel-EAZ® Crowned Tread675–3,8004–10-40 to +180
EZSwivel-EAZ® Flat Tread900–4,8004–10-40 to +180
XIX-treme™ Solid Polyurethane900–1,0003.25–8MediumBestGood-30 to +180
XPX-treme™ Plus Solid Polyurethane900–2,5003.25–10MediumBestGood-30 to +180
SESolid Elastomer1,000–1,2004–8
XAPolyurethane, Polypropylene Core300–1,5003–10MediumGoodBest-40 to +180
EGEagle Polyurethane, Polypropylene Core600–1,2004–8-40 to +180
OGPolyurethane Press-On1,490–10,9008.5–18MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
OGPolyurethane Press-On (Mini)2,240–6,6005–10.5MediumGoodGoodd-40 to +180
XVPolyurethane V-Groove3004–8MediumGoodGood-40 to +180
SFPneumatic (Black)210–3,6308–25.7HighFairFair-40 to +180
SGPneumatic (Grey)210–3508–10.9HighFairFair-40 to +180
SOPneumatic Hand Truck35010.5HighFairFair-40 to +180
SNSemi-Pneumatic Hand Truck200–5406.2–12.1HighFairFair-40 to +180
SZMonoprene Semi-Pneumatic (Black)250–4406–10-40 to +180
SVMonoprene Semi-Pneumatic (Grey)250–4406–10-40 to +180
NFNever Flat300–3508–10
XSX-tra Soft Rubber, Flat Tread200-6753–8HighGoodGood-45 to +180
XYCondutive X-tra Soft Rubber, Flat Tread200–6753–8HighGoodGood-45 to +180
XRX-tra Soft Rubber, Round Tread200–8503–10HighGoodGood-45 to +180
XZConductive X-tra Soft Rubber, Round Tread450-5006–8HighGoodGood-45 to +180
MHHeavy Duty Mold-on Rubber, Cast Iron Core340–2,5003.25–16-40 to +180
MRMold-on Rubber, Cast Iron Core250–3,0204–20HighFairGood-40 to +180
MDMold-on Rubber, Aluminum Core250–6004–8HighFairGood-40 to +180
RRSoft Rubber125–3603–8HighFairGood-40 to +180
MGNeoprene Flat Tread, Aluminum Core500–7004–8-22 to +220
NPNeoprene Round Tread, Aluminum Core600–7005–8-22 to +220
OARubber Press-On1,270–10,1908.5–22HighFairFair-40 to +180

Capacity Ratings

The caster and wheel capacities shown on this site are based on the following conditions or have been established through industry standards and accepted usage.

General Conditions

All ratings are based on operation over smooth floors, rails or tracks with no obstructions or severe shock loads. All bearings must be properly lubricated. Conditions of excessive temperature, excessive dirt, or other contaminants will reduce capacity and will minimize performance. Capacity ratings cannot be used when the product is misapplied or modified.

Manual Operation

Manual operation capacities apply to non-powered movement of loads only.

Power Operation

Tractor drawn, mechanically moved conveyer or tow line require specifically designed casters to withstand conditions encountered in these mechanically powered operations. Consult Albion’s Engineering Department for specific recommendations concerning your particular application.

All casters and wheels are rated up to 2.5 mph operation per the Institute of Caster & Wheel Manufacturers Guidelines.