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PART NUMBER: 110TM08201R01
Wheel Diameter8.0000
Fastening TypeTop Plate Rigid
Fastening Size4 1/2" x 4"
Swivel Lead0.00000000
Wheel TypeTM - Phenolic
Swivel Radius0.0000
Bearing TypeRoller
Wheel FaceCrowned Tread
Wheel ColorBlack Phenolic Resin
Temperature Range-65°F to +250°F (+300°F intermittent)
Tread Width2.0000
Mount Height9.5000
HardnessRockwell 102 E
Medium Heavy Duty Caster
Distribution Carts
Equipment Carts
Platform Trucks
Scrap Metal Carriers
Tooling Fixtures
Tow Line
Utility Carts
Utility Trucks
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